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Christmas artwork Snowglobe


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White 10cm acrylic bauble containing children’s artwork with or without a gold star background. Names can be added too. Artwork using pen and paint shows best. Finished with red ribbon. 

How it works?

  • Once purchased, artwork does not need to be sent straight away. Purchasing secures your order in the busy run upto Christmas. Please note that once your order is made I will order your stock so that I have it ready. I will need at least 10 days from receiving the artwork to complete your order. This is before post, so please plan in advanced for the final date you will need it for.
  • I normally advised that artwork can be done on an a4 piece of paper. To make sure all of the drawing is included on the bauble I suggest drawing around a dinner plate on the a4 paper. Anything within the circle will be printed (I will remove the dinner plate circle so that it doesn’t show) anything outside of the circle will not be seen on your bauble. This is a great place to add the name of each child and any text you would like added. It makes it easier for me too instead of going back and forth to order sheets for info.
  • Artwork needs to be scanned using a printer scanner and not the phone photo scanners. The quality of your finished item will benefit from this! If you are unable to scan your artwork, you are welcome to pop me a message for my address to send the artwork where I can scan for you.

Please remember i need at least 10 days from receiving your artwork to complete your order during this busy period. Any questions, please ask.

Selecting 10 baubles allows you to have 10 different artwork pieces, they don’t have to be the same for multiples.

Background for bauble

no background, Gold star background (see album of photos)


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